

Everything you need to know about the color Turquoise | Hex Code


Turquoise is a shade of blue that lies on the scale between blue and green. It has characteristics associated with both of these, such as the calmness of blue and the growth that is represented in green. Turquoise can also have the energy that yellow transmits, becoming an uplifting color.

Color Conversion

The hexadecimal color #30D5C8 has RGB values of R: 18.8, G: 83.5, B: 78.4 and CMYK values of C: 0.77, M: 0, Y: 0.06, K:0.16.

Physical Effects of Turquoise

When used as a meditation aid, turquoise boosts relaxation and mindfulness. Think about why some people prefer to meditate by the ocean or outdoors under the clear sky. The color turquoise can give some of those comforting, euphoric feelings of being near the water or outside.
Some people believe that turquoise is a healing color. It’s often used to neutralize acidity, improve muscle strength, ease the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, aid in stomach infections, fight against viral infections, and enhance one’s hearing or sight. While these medical claims have yet to be substantiated, turquoise can certainly feel like a healing color to have around.

Facts About Turquoise

The word “turquoise” dates to the 17th century and is derived from the French turquois meaning “Turkish” because the mineral was first brought to Europe through Turkey, from mines in the historical Khorasan of Persia.
The turquoise gemstone is the traditional birthstone of December and a gift for the 11th wedding anniversary.

Most Common Uses of the Color Turquoise

In branding, turquoise is often used by the following industries:

Travel – very popular color for travel-related businesses
Cleaning products
Female jewelry

Looking for a different hue? The following colors are related to turquoise.



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